Wednesday, May 16, 2012

KUANTAN, I see a wee bit of my future.

Last Monday, I went to Kuantan to follow my dad cause he had a meeting. Till yesterday, which was a Teusday. Today is Wednesday. Then, Thursday. After that comes, Friday. Rebecca Black. Black. Haha. Okay. 

So nothing much that I want to share about Kuantan actually. I just wanna brag (CHEH) that I passed by UiTM Kuantan. I think I passed by my going-to-be campus. I think. I just think. Doesn't mean it's exact, BOO!

Oh and it's true what they said! My campus is so near to the East Coast Mall. Sometimes I just need to see it to believe it and interpret it. So yea the walk is not that far to the ECM, weeeeee~

So then, after interpreting my campus we were off to search for durians. For my brother. Cause he is pregnant. Well, that's what the lady said! Go ask her! Don't blame me, grr. So we went to Giant but they had none. We tried to look for it at the stalls on the road. No luck there too. Sorry bro, no luck for you. Well, mind your cravings. It's not even the durian seasons yet. Only Shah Alam has durians cause Shah Alam is cool yaw!

Unfortunately, no durians for my pregnant brother. So my father got him Pizza Hut instead. Then we were of to SEMSAS. Sorry I am not really sure what it stands for. We arrived about 4.30PM and kids were already having their recreation time. Weee, how I miss that scenario back in school. So then we ate the pizza happily at the bench in front of his hostel. 

Kids were looking at us like we were aliens or something. I couldn't help but told them, "Ye dik, akak tau akak comel tapi jangan la tengok macam tu. Nanti adik akak malu pulak. Pergi riadah okay." HAHA. Well, in my thought. Pshhht, NO!

So then we bid goodbye to my brother. One thing I gotta say, he's turning into a very fine ummmmm gentleman? Is that suitable to be called for a kid like him? Yea, whatever. So yea. After that was saying goodbye to Kuantan and say that we will meet again. 

Oh and I can like go outing and meet my brother after this! Weeeeeeeee~ 
Just saying. 

I only have one picture of him cause he don't like posing for cameras. Think so :P

*sorry for some nonsense in this post cause my mind is not really behaving the way it's supposed to.